Precision engineering from Experienced Engineers
In Lutterworth, Leicestershire
For precision engineering with fast turnaround times, depend on CDR NTX LTD. Employing experienced engineers in Lutterworth, Leicestershire, we have recently invested in state-of-the-art CNC machines and we specialise in small runs of one or two items. Welding and fabrication services are also available.
Count on Our Experience
Our precision engineer has more than 35 years of experience in the industry and we are investing heavily in this business. Our main clients are motorsport and racing car companies who value precision products, fast turnaround times, and consistent results.
Bespoke Engineering
With our CNC machines, we turn our engineers’ drawings into reality. Nine times out of ten, we are able to take your drawings and complete the job without delay. Some work may take longer or be more complex, so we charge an hourly rate for precision jobs. If you want a large number of products, we will provide you with a competitive quote. We are happy to provide the material or use yours – it’s your choice!